It gives me sheer joy and pleasure to address everyone through this portal. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul. It is education alone which transforms a life. It is the means to beautify life, making it meaningful and worthwhile. I wish to remind everyone diligently that the vocation of education is a tri-polar activity and the child is at the centre of it. Parents and teachers are there to initiate, to support and build the child into a complete and whole being. Teachers are the indispensible part of a child's life while parents an integral part. The school and parents combined can shape the mind, body and the soul of the child. Remember, the role of parents is far greater than the school. Parents must take note of the fact that they need to spend quality time with their child. They must develop the practice of healthy and proactive communication where the child can lay bare his heart. Parents must know distinctly the liking and disliking of the child and must be able to show the positive and constructive way. There is no doubt that modern era is daubed with technological advancements where emotions are depleting fast and therefore the role of the school and the parents is of paramount importance. Along with it, we also need to address the social issues as well as societal concerns. Today the whole country is experiencing the need of maintaining cleanliness but it is often observed that people in general, are conscious about keeping their homes neat and clean but the responsibility towards the community is easily forgotten. In present times we cannot overlook our responsibility towards the community and we must put our best foot forward to observe, to keep and to maintain cleanliness in all spheres of life. Be conscious enough to realize that education and cleanliness mantra can alone revolutionize the concept of a healthy society and India can become truly a distinct and a distinguished nation on the planet Earth.
I congratulate the entire team for working together to erect a strong edifice for sustaining the perpetual growth and progress.